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Letter of Complaint About New Iberia Research Center to USDA Director
1/27/09 Dr. Robert Gibbens Dr. Gibbens, I am contacting you today regarding documents in my possession which
are relevant to the New Iberia Research Facility, which is connected to
the University of Louisiana, Lafayette (72-R-0007). As you know, section 2.33 of the Animal Welfare Act requires that
research facilities provide adequate veterinary care for animals. I
believe that the documents which I have obtained delineate clear
violations of these regulations and I hereby officially request an
investigation of these issues. Chimpanzee A155E is described at death as being �thin and there is
apparent muscle atrophy� and �the abdomen is distended.� Additionally,
the necropsy further states several things which indicate very serious
pathological conditions that have gone untreated. The necropsy report
describes approximately 2 liters of fluid in the abdomen, as well as a
cardiac abnormality. The report also mentions �a large abscessed area
(20 cm diam) adherent to the body wall.� This mass is described as
containing �a greenish purulent material� and a �necrotic center.�
However, from May 23, 2005 through the death of this primate in November
of 2007, the only treatment that this chimpanzee received was fiber
tablets. Chimpanzee A096 who died in August of 2006 apparently had a vasectomy
on the 24th of August, 2006. On the 26th of August he is listed as
having swollen testicles, and is D.O.A. on the 28th. The only treatment
that this animal received during this period was motrin, and the cause
of death is left open. However, it is apparent that this animal had
serious heart issues due to the 500 ml of yellowish fluid listed in the
pericardial sac, a situation which can be connected to cardiac
tamponade. A vasectomy is an elective surgery and likely should not have
been performed in a chimpanzee with a serious heart condition. Chimpanzee A272 died of gastric bloat, a condition that can be
related to improper diet. Additionally, his records do not list any
treatment for this condition; it was discovered only at death. I believe
that this indicates inadequate observation of this animal. Rhesus monkey A4P001 is diagnosed at death with toxemia and 6 � 7 cm
of gastric (jejunal) intussusception (blockage, possibly torsion). The
veterinary records state that �Approximately 3cm of involved gut was
necrosing.� In other words, the over 2 � inches of the small intestine
was blocked and over an inch of this tissue had died. The severity of
this condition indicates that it should have been diagnosed much
earlier. This monkey had not seen a veterinarian for 5 months. Rhesus monkey APO15 is admitted on the day before death and is
described as �thin, dehydrated, poor sparse hair coat� and �blood found
oozing from the rectum.� This monkey received a physical exam on June
19, 2006 and received no treatment of any kind in the intervening
period. It is important to note that a similar condition occurred two
years earlier, and therefore this condition should have been monitored
much more closely. Instead, this animal was allowed to deteriorate,
receiving no treatment of any kind in the intervening period of over 2
years. Rhesus monkey A4P013 is diagnosed with bloat, a condition that is
often fatal. However, several other issues are present which might
indicate other issues which contributed to the demise of this animal.
The �excessive peritoneal fluid� which is present as well as the greatly
enlarged bleeding kidneys indicate serious issues which should have been
diagnosed and treated. Rhesus monkey A4P010 is listed as dying from septicemia, a serious
life-threatening infection. In this condition the blood stream is
contaminated with high concentrations of pathogenic bacteria. This is
not a condition that arises overnight and it was diagnosed and treated
several times in the life of this monkey. However, the veterinary
records for this monkey list no changes in treatment or physical exams
from 9/28/06 through the date of death, five days later. This animal
should not have been allowed to deteriorate to the point of developing a
septicemia. Euthanasia should have occurred much sooner. Additionally,
this is apparently not an uncommon in rhesus monkeys at this facility.
Rhesus monkey A3P012 was also diagnosed with chronic non-responsive
diarrhea. Two infant primates, A7P001 and A7P003 are listed as dying due to
maternal neglect and/or maternal trauma. In other words these infants
died of injuries caused by attacks by the mother. While it may be
difficult to prevent such deaths, one must wonder if the mothers of
these infants had ever demonstrated psychological abnormalities before
they killed their offspring. Unfortunately, no records for the mothers
of these infants were available. It is clear that the staff of NIRC systematically ignores illnesses
in primates allowing them to be diagnosed only at death. I request you
initiate action to levy the most substantial fine allowable (and)
suspend projects which involve repeat violations. I find the attitude of
callousness and negligence at (NIRC) to be nothing less than shocking
Overall, the animals and incidents discussed indicate inadequate
observation of these animals and inadequate treatment, if not veterinary
negligence. Therefore I request that you initiate an investigation of
the animal care at this facility and take action to levy the most
substantial fine allowable under current federal regulations. I also
request that you immediately suspend any projects which involve repeat
violations. I look forward to hearing of the results of your
investigation as soon as possible. Sincerely,
Michael A. Budkie, A.H.T., Attachments: See: University of Louisiana,
Lafayette, LA
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