ASU Ends Cancer Experiment for Animal Abuse After Watchdog’s Complaint
From Celeste Gonzalez,, September 26, 2023
TUCSON, Ariz.(KVOA)- Arizona State University has put an end to a
federally funded animal research project which was targeted by a National
Watchdog group in an administrative complaint that took place in June of
2023 to the ASU president Michael Crow over multiple violations of
An ASU report obtained by a national watchdog nonprofit that investigates
animal abuse and illegal activities at U.S. research facilities disclose
that a botched animal experiment targeted by SAEN has now been ended by the
Arizona State University Institutional and Use Committee.
The July 2023 ASU noncompliance report states that in a meeting on June 22,
2023 “The Committee voted to suspend the protocol in its entirety.” This
action was taken because the animal researcher “has not demonstrated overall
improvement in responding to animal welfare notifications, IACUC guidance,
or to program compliance.” A subsequent appeal by the researcher was denied.
The report concluded: “Funding sources will be notified of the actions taken
by the committee. The animals under the protocol were transferred to an
approved holding protocol.”
In an earlier ASU report previously obtained by SAEN, the university
admitted that this animal researcher had broken federal law by denying
animals veterinary care (euthanasia), and performing unapproved, and
therefore illegal, experiments.
The watchdog group had previously contacted ASU President Michael Crow,
calling for the researcher to be permanently banned, publication of
scientific articles prohibited, and a return of grant funding to the
National Institutes of Health.
“Ending this animal experiment was the right thing to do,” said Michael A.
Budkie, A.H.T., Co-Founder and Executive Director, SAEN. “Failing to
understand one’s own protocol, denying animals euthanasia, performing
unapproved procedures - this is not a science. This is fraud.”