From ThePostNewspaper, August 30, 2024
A National Research Watchdog has filed a Federal Complaint with the U.S. Dept. of Agriculture after a failed federal University of North Texas Health Science Center (UNTHSC) inspection disclosed the deaths of four animals in a botched project UNTHSC eventually suspended.
According to SAEN, an Ohio-based national watchdog that monitors the nation’s research facilities for illegal activities, the Deputy Administrator of the USDA’s Animal Care Division has been contacted and asked to conduct a full probe of UNTHSC, and fine the university the maximum amount of $12,722 per infraction/per animal.
The University of North Texas was hit with a CRITICAL violation of the federal Animal Welfare Act in a July 16, 2024 inspection for a botched experiment in which four animals died because an Animal Care Committee-approved protocol was not followed.
The experiment induces diabetes in rabbits, which is followed by glucose injections. The protocol requires monitoring and insulin injections if warranted.
But SAEN charged the monitoring was not performed and four rabbits were found dead.
“The University of North Texas Health Science Center research administration failed to supervise this project to insure the approved protocol was followed,” said Michael A. Budkie, A.H.T., SAEN’s executive director.
“UNTHSC negligence is responsible for four animal deaths. These rabbits paid the ultimate price for UNTHSC’s carelessness, so the lab should pay the maximum fine,” Budkie added.
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