Colorado State Lab Fined over $23,000 for Federal Infractions; Watchdog Group Descries National Trend in Criminal Labs

Press Release
From Stop Animal Exploitation NOW!
S. A. E. N.
"Exposing the truth to wipe out animal experimentation"


Monday, August 15, 2011
Contact: Michael Budkie, SAEN, [email protected], (513) 575-5517

Attn: Assignment Desk

Colorado State Lab Fined over $23,000 for Federal Infractions; Watchdog Group Descries National Trend in Criminal Labs

FORT COLLINS, CO – Recently obtained federal reports reveal that Colorado State
University has been fined over $23,000 by the USDA for violating the Animal Welfare

Colorado State University has agreed to pay a $23,821 fine for violations of the Animal
Welfare Act from November of 2007 to September of 2010.

The settlement agreement reveals a laundry list of violations for inadequate supervision
of animal experimentation by the Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee,
improper handling of animals, inadequate housing, improper feeding, insufficient
sanitation, etc.

“It is obvious from the federal reports that Colorado State University is a seriously
criminal laboratory and deserved a major fine from the USDA,” said Michael A. Budkie,
A.H.T., Executive Director, SAEN. “This lab has not only abused animals but has
violated the public trust by performing experimentation tainted by carelessness and

The USDA reports discussed animals suffering from insect bites, feed contaminated by
feces, and experimentation that could not justify the number of animals used.

Many other labs across the U.S. have committed major violations of the animal Welfare
Act including Harvard, Princeton, University of Louisiana, Lovelace Research Institute
(NM), Southern Research Institute (AL), Santa Cruz Biotech (CA), and Exemplar
Genetics (IA).

The settlement agreement and recent inspection reports are available upon from SAEN.


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